Red Carnelian Yoni Egg
Red Carnelian Yoni Egg
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Red Carnelian is a hot and strong stone that promotes passion, passion, creativity, vitality, courage and sexual energy. It is associated with the heart and the sacral chakra - and is therefore a stone of love and fertility. It is known to be a real "womb stone", which connects a woman with her womb, cleanses the blood and relieves menstrual pain. With its red, orange, brown and white colors, it is so beautiful to look at and gives associations to fire and heat. It helps to strengthen your self-esteem and self-confidence and encourages you to show the world who you are deep down. It gives renewed positive energy to make decisions and bring your innermost dreams to life. When you use it as a yoni egg, you will bring love and romance into your vagina and fire up under your inner fire (sex drive), while softening, healing and strengthening the pelvic floor for bigger and more explosive orgasms.
- Small size: 35mm x 25mm (recommended for advanced practitioners or women with a small vagina).
- Medium size: 43mm x 30mm (recommended for everyone and beginners).
- Large size: 50mm x 35mm (recommended for women who have had two or more vaginal births).
- All three sizes - for those who want to work with different sizes, degrees of difficulty and fullness.
Sizes may vary slightly as they are handmade and completely unique.
- A genuine red carnelian yoni egg, drilled through the thin end so you can insert a string for advanced exercises or for easy removal
- Detailed instructions in flyer
- A branded silk-lined velour bag for safe storage
- Ships globally from Denmark
Each red carnelian yoni egg is completely unique in color and pattern and can range from orange, red, maroon, dark brown or cream or a mixture.
Questions? Write to us here.
Crystal properties
Crystal properties
Amethyst: Emotional calm, spiritual growth, protection, intuition
Black Obsidian: Clearing negativity, grounding, trauma release, protection
Blue Quartz: Opening throat-yoni connection, communication, calmness, stress reduction, spiritual connection
Clear Quartz: Spiritual guidance, chakra balance, energy enhancement, manifestation
Indian Jade: Heart chakra balance, attraction of abundance, good luck
Nephrite Jade: Healing of the female reproductive system, protection, harmony, wealth, balancing emotions
Rose Quartz: Heart opener, self-love, acceptance, compassion
Red Carnelian: Vitality, libido, creativity, confidence, fearlessness, passion
Red Jasper: Courage, stability, grounding, endurance, anxiety reduction
White Jade: Peace, harmony, clarity, lightness
Read the entire crystal guide here.
We deliver on all weekdays from Monday to Friday.
When the order is placed, it will be shipped within 1-3 business days.
We do a lot to love the crystals and charge them with a lot of good energy before sending them out to you.
We pack discreetly! Nothing on the outside indicates that the content has anything to do with sexuality and pleasure.
When the order is send you will get an e-mail with your tracking number.
Orders within Europe are delivered with DAO Express and DHL. Allow 5-7 business days for delivery once dispatched.
International orders outside Europe are shipped with DHL Express and transit time will vary from 2 to 10 working days at the moment the parcel is dispatched.
Free shipping within Europe at 194€ - not in combination with discount codes.
The Goddess Temple delivers to all European countries and Iceland and Norway. Let us know if you want the shipping to another country and we will see if that can be arranged.

jeg er så glad for mit yoniæg i rosakvarts <3,
det giver en kærlig og blid kontakt med mit underliv og væsen, - og en bedre fornemmelse og tuning af yonien og bækkenbunden.
og med en intention om selvkærlighed, der er så vigtig i healing af traumer.
meget bedre og noget helt andet, end de almindelige bækkenbundskugler jeg har brugt før.
kan anbefales <3
Jeg har haft disse tre yoni-æg i et halvt års tid, og har opnået en rigtig stærk bækkenbund med øget sensitivitet.
Det mærkes tydeligt, at krystallerne har hver deres egenskaber. Jeg har fx mediteret meget med ametyst-ægget i, og oplever en forstærket intuition og klarhed med det.
Jeg føler, at æggene har healet og forløst spændinger og blokeret energi i min yoni - kan varmt anbefales!
- Shakti Yoni Æg Trio
Mit køb af et rosakvarts yoni æg modtog jeg for 2 uger siden og det har været en rigtig god og positive oplevelse at bruge såvel som at blive våd og få en skøn orgasme men også til at få trænet mit bækkenbund imod mit problem med at dryppe og skynde mig når tissetrangen er der. Jeg kan helt klart anbefale et yoni æg. Det bør alle kvinder eje.
- Rosakvarts Yoni Æg

Why buy from The Goddess Temple?
Free delivery
Get free shipping on orders over 194€. More pleasure for you, less worry about shipping costs.
High quality borosilicate glass
Our products are made of durable and safe borosilicate glass, which is easy to clean and hygienic. Perfect for your most intimate moments!
Exclusive collection
We are passionate and dedicated to always finding the best products for you. Our unique collection of crystal dildos and yoni eggs are carefully selected to give you ultimate pleasure and well-being.
Focus on women's health and pleasure
We are here to remind women that they are whole, free and orgasmic. Our mission is to help you ignite your inner sexual fire and pleasure through body awareness and self-exploration. Because you deserve life-changing ecstatic orgasms.
Our crystals
Crystal qualityWe never compromise on the quality of our crystals. Our crystal dildos and yoni eggs are made from real, carefully selected crystals, known for their healing properties and beauty. Each crystal goes through a careful processing process and is polished to perfection, making them smooth, safe and easy to clean.
About the Goddess Temple
Our storySince 2018, we have sold feminine wellness products made of crystal and glass and been an inspiration for feminine empowerment, liberation and joy for women.
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