
Når du IKKE skal bruge et jade æg!

When you should NOT use a jade egg!

Jade egg is very popular for those women who want to heal their connection to the pelvis and awaken and strengthen their sexual pleasure and orgasmic capacity. The jade egg...

When you should NOT use a jade egg!

Jade egg is very popular for those women who want to heal their connection to the pelvis and awaken and strengthen their sexual pleasure and orgasmic capacity. The jade egg...

Hvad har p-piller gjort ved kvinder?

What have birth control pills done to women?

Side effects of birth control pills Birth control pills have almost become a normal thing, a universal thing for girls to be on today to such an extent that you...

What have birth control pills done to women?

Side effects of birth control pills Birth control pills have almost become a normal thing, a universal thing for girls to be on today to such an extent that you...

Tilbedelse af pikken

Dick worship

Men, like women, also need sexual healing very much. After all, I'm very excited about celebrating women as goddesses, which is great, but we might also forget to celebrate men...

Dick worship

Men, like women, also need sexual healing very much. After all, I'm very excited about celebrating women as goddesses, which is great, but we might also forget to celebrate men...

5 grunde til at lave yoni yoga

5 reasons to do yoni yoga

Yoni yoga is not a normal form of yoga, but it is exactly yoga for your pussy. You simply want to exercise with your vagina - and if you use...

5 reasons to do yoni yoga

Yoni yoga is not a normal form of yoga, but it is exactly yoga for your pussy. You simply want to exercise with your vagina - and if you use...

Oplev dybere og mere tilfredsstillende orgasmer

Experience deeper and more satisfying orgasms

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for how a woman gets an orgasm or goes to heaven sexually. Rather, for a woman, it is about feeling safe, seen, loved and feeling...

Experience deeper and more satisfying orgasms

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for how a woman gets an orgasm or goes to heaven sexually. Rather, for a woman, it is about feeling safe, seen, loved and feeling...

Sex Magi: Manifester dine vildeste længsler

Sex Magic: Manifest your wildest desires

Sex magic is where you use your sexual energy and intention to manifest what you dream of in your life. You may have heard of the law of attraction ,...

Sex Magic: Manifest your wildest desires

Sex magic is where you use your sexual energy and intention to manifest what you dream of in your life. You may have heard of the law of attraction ,...